Masi Cyristal

Why do they think they're in chargeOf young hearts?

At a Glance

Gender: Female
Age: 26
Orientation: Bi-sexual
Chaotic good
Married - Amouranthine Cyristal

EyesBlack irisWhite limbal
Body TypeLitheSlightly muscular
OrnamentationSilver horn ringsSilver thumb ring

She's generally warm in demeanor, and will smile easily at jokes cast her way; but the smile rarely meets her eyes and you get the feeling like her thoughts are elsewhere.


Maybe you saw her at Hug-a-Mug

She often comes with a stack of research materials to the café, happily sitting for hours while taking in the atmosphere.

On second thought, was it Limsa..or Uldah?

She can be found visiting the markets in either city to stock up on materials. If you're quick, you may see her slide into a back alley just before she disappears from view.

Keys:Aetheric manipulationBlack magickThat one time, in BozjaEsoteric knowledge

Contacts:Amouranthine Cyristal
Edd Boy
Soren Starcher
Genpai Senpai


LGBTQ+ Friendly
I'm 21+
18+ Only (apologies, we get dark in here)
This is an AU character that I RP on the Primal Data Shard. While a Masi exists on Crystal, the two are split in their IC interactions. Please don't try to mix them
Walkup/Tell RP if tag is on, otherwise please shoot me a message!
NSFW limited to trusted friendos
Mirror RP
I may be tabbed, so feel free to /tell if I don't reply immediately
I am a potato irl